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Happy Mother’s Day

Wishing all the amazing and wonderful mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day!!
Here are a few tiny tales dedicating to all the Mothers in the world:

1) The boy hurt himself as he fell, only to smile as he saw his mother come running towards him.

2) “Mom”. She smiled as she heard her baby girl say the magical word for the very first time after 3 years of adoption.

3) It had been a busy day at the office. When the others complained, he knew it was nothing compared to the efforts of his Mother.

4) The woman waiting outside the ward smiled as the doctor said both are safe and healthy. Her army widowed daughter was a mother now.

5) She happily ate the only dosa remaining on the plate as her son burped and went to sleep.

“A new story begins in this world with the birth of a child and so does a beautiful journey of the MOTHER”